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Writer's pictureStudio Sarah Müller


Updated: Dec 21, 2023

I'm Sarah, 27 years old, I studied product design (B.A.) and I'm about to make my passion and talent visible and thus take the step into self-employment. During and after my bachelor thesis I gained experience with accessories for the kitchen and bathroom industry, the fashion industry, the advertising industry and in a furniture sales company, among others, and have incorporated this knowledge into my design process.

Design is omnipresent for me, whether it's a new product or optimizing a process. For almost any task, you have to bring a certain creativity. The phrase I've picked up on social media often comes to mind: "Designers are problem solvers". So simple, yet so complex.

The focus of my product design projects is definitely on different materials, balancing innovation with the sustainability factor. In doing so, function comes first for me.


Why I became a designer is easy to explain. I wanted to create something with my own hands and be able to touch the result. I knew I wanted to study something that had enough practical relevance and supported my creativity. So in the fall of 2016, after graduating from high school, I set out to find a degree program that combined those two things. I've always been interested in how things work, what technology is behind products and also how they affect people so that they are bought or consumed again and again.

After a few entrance exams that you have to pass for product or industrial design, I decided to go to OTH, University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg. Already during my studies it became clear to me that I would like to realize my own studio at some point.

I have now founded the studio because I was able to gain professional experience in various fields, which I can apply or adapt in the right situation. One of the main focuses of the studio is to specifically address the concerns of my clients and to deal with their problems more intensively. I was not always able to do that in my previous jobs. In doing so, I am freer to problem solve and always remain open to new approaches. There is a lot of good design out there, yet in my day-to-day work I see time and again how companies or businesses diminish their potential through incorrectly chosen design before they can even be addressed by customers.


  • Product design idea, concept, prototype

  • Graphic design flyers, posters, magazines

I would like to give you rules for your own design and share my experience with you. Help you when you face a similar obstacle in the design process and give you insights into the daily work of an independent "problem solver".


  • Interviews with (independent) designers

  • Impressions and trend analyses from design fairs

  • Tips for dealing with clients in an empathetic and goal-oriented way

  • Methods of process management

  • Insights into job interviews

  • Right communication in the team

  • and much more!

I feel like questioning products and improving them according to my principles.

In doing so, I will take you along and explain my thought processes behind the steps.

I look forward to having you along for the ride!

This text reflects the opinion of the author and makes no claim to general validity.


If you have any questions,

feel free to email me at

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